Stex Ellipticals 0Stex S25E elliptical trainer
Stex Home Fuel Ellipticals 0Stex S25E elliptical trainer
Alphanumeric DIsplay
Alphanumeric high clarity white LED message centre display console with integrated reading rack.
iPod Compatability
iPod on the S25E allows music selection & rechargin
USB Utility
Provides the ability to install a personalised workout program or save a "Workout Summary" as well as charge USB compatible electronic devices
Fast Track
For easy and quick access to the most frequently used controls
Digital Heart Rate System
Intelligent Heart Rate sensors featuring Digital Noise Reduction Technology are conveninetly located on both the ergnomically designed handlebars and fron hand grips.
Foot Pedals
The non slip foot pedals are designed to allow users to comfortable adjust their foot position.
The narrow spacing between the pedals ensures minimal stress to the lower back.
Stex Ellipticals 0Stex S25E Elliptical Trainer Stex
Commercial Elliptical cross trainer
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